Tired // Fine

Ah, so much for writing daily.

But I should have known it was unsustainable. There’s just so much to do. And never enough time…

Any way, I’ve been thinking of some things lately.

Of a whirlwind past that seems to have finally set me down still trying to catch my breath. Of old friends and memories and moments suspended in time and space like doorways into a past I can never quite remember, yet never quite forget. Of hazy days spent in different kinds of ways and nights ending with watching too many sunrises. Of illusions painstakingly built and effortlessly destroyed, and people I have been and those I broke. Of ripped jeans and scruffy sneakers and wild hair and too much to drink and never enough sleep. Of shooting stars and falling rain and the way everything shined and the indescribable shapes of all the things waiting in the shadows. Some good, most terrible, all beautiful, except when not. Of unstoppable laughter and tears that bloomed but never fell and all that spilled blood, both mine and not…

And so much anger. Relentless. Like the rebellion, constant, with and without all the causes.

It’s strange. I held on to it all for so long. Until it crumbled under my fingers into something from which nothing could be salvaged. So, I did the only thing I have ever known to do with things I could no longer carry.

I set it all on fire.

Expecting only ashes, but left with imprints in my memories and scorch marks upon my soul.

I keep waiting for them to hurt. But they don’t. And i can’t tell if it’s because I’m too numb or in too much pain already. Or if I’m just that okay, that distant, that beyond it all.

I don’t know which one I want to be true.

I don’t even think it matters any more.

Except when I think of all the smiles and frowns and hands and knees and jokes and laughs and hope and despair that I once knew so well and will never meet again.

Everything changes, but nothing is lost, or so the saying goes.

I don’t know if it’s true.

I don’t know anything.

Except maybe that I’m tired.

I’m fine. Better than I’ve ever been before, in fact. I think, honestly, I think I’m even happy. Which is more than I’ve ever really been able to say in at least a decade.

Probably longer.

So, I’m just fine.

But, also tired.

So tired.

I let myself burn for so long, trying to protect the things I was holding on to, only to finally set them on fire myself… and I was prepared for ashes.

What I wasn’t prepared for… was the blueness of the sky, and growing to love the taste of things like bitter black coffee and sweet dates, and humans being beautiful in ways all the more lovely for the ugliness of the world they bloom in, or finding oddly comforting reflections of myself in shimmering shards of other people, and the way i can’t decide whether flowers look prettier in the dark or in the light…

I think I’m scared of happiness… Which is probably a great thing, considering my habit of diving head first and off the deep end into whatever frightens me even a little.

But it’s only now, now that i’m here, floating in this bubble of contentment and timelessness, that I realize that I was happy all along. Even if it was a different flavour of happiness, and disguised heavily by all the sweetness of sin and the bitterness of regret. And the sourness of resentment.

Whatever. You get it.

The point is, I was happy.

We all were.

Except somewhere the world broke those I considered mine, in one way or the other.

And I never even tried putting them back together…

Never even noticed how much they hurt.

Or, worse, did, but ignored it…

I’ve never claimed to be a good person.

But, this… what does it make me?

Tired, that’s for sure.

So tired.

I’m fine.

I’m fine.

Another Dawn

It’s dawn again.

I’ve watched the sun rise through so many different phases in my life. On cold rooftops and green fields and empty streets. In dresses and capes and leather jackets. With family and friends and lovers. As a child, in college, as a grown up. Because I was up studying, partying, fighting, bleeding, destroying, creating, raging, loving. Sad. Happy. Alone. Not.


It’s weird. I’ve known so many kinds of hurt, and so intimately, that even if I can’t call myself immune to them, I at least usually know what they entail.

But, lately, every time I am blue, I find myself …grey. In the sense that all I feel is distant and disconnected. Everything feels so far away…

The one cure I have found is running. Now that it’s been nearly two years since I last smoked even a single drag, at least half of which I’ve spent learning to dance, my stamina has made such an impressive comeback. And i love that feeling of the cool wind on your skin even as your heart threatens to burn up inside you. It grounds me better than any substance ever has.

Still, it adds to the weirdness, because, in a way, I keep feeling like the person I was before I went to law school. I don’t know if it’s the sobriety or the physical activity or just the fact that I feel like I’m thinking clearly for the first time in well over a decade. But, whatever the reason, I feel like the person I used to be. Minus all the teenage angst and inexperience, of course. And that is awesome.

What’s not awesome, though, is ten plus years of realisations striking home. Stuff I never allowed myself to even fully process in all this time because I never had the requisite bandwidth or free memory space. Now that I do, it’s like my brain is working overtime trying to play catch up with the life I’ve lived but not absorbed or reflected upon and understood from – adequately enough, anyway.

That’s my theory anyway. For why everything in the present feels so far away and unreachable…

It’s not that big a deal. Just that I know I’ve got to be careful. Got to guard against the temptation to deal with this disconnect the way I used to. Even though I know better now. Old habits die hard.

And I have been on this habit slaying trip lately. From cigarettes to alcohol to coffee to people to situations… But, wait. I’m so sleepy, I barely know what I am saying

Oh, no, I wanted to stay longer, but I’m having so much trouble just keeping my eyes open.

Guess I’ll go to bed now, and continue this tomorrow or some thing.

Ah, I like this feeling.

Stay safe, everyone.

Peace out.

Something Just Like This

It was well after midnight by the time he got back home. Julius, alert as ever, bless him, had the door open before he’d even made it up the deliberately dimly lit driveway. The house itself was dark and silent, the others clearly having had retired for the night.

Ruilian allowed the large man to take his thin coat off his shoulders, which he did as gently as he always did. The familiar gesture soothed some of the restlessness that had been clamouring in his soul all evening, and he almost sighed out loud. As much as he loved the Langs, he was glad that he didn’t have to deal with them right now. They’d helped him when he was at his worst, and he would never forget that. But Julius was the only one that knew who he used to be, before. Before his hands, and his soul, were tainted with this darkness that seemed to rub off on everything and everyone he came close to…

“Will you be wanting dinner?”, asked Julius, breaking Ruilian out of his rapid descent into melancholy. “Depends, are you planning to cook?”Ruilian’s tired and near automatic attempt at banter earned him an unamused look in return. Julius’ cooking skills, or rather lack thereof, were a common running joke in the household. “Lee already did. And Lin insisted on putting some of it upstairs for your friend too, since you were clearly running late.”

Ruilian picked up on what was being implied. He’d shown up two days ago with an armful of bleeding broken boy, and it was only Lin’s medical training that had made sure he hadn’t ended up dying on Ruilian’s living room floor. Afterwards, Julius had carried him upstairs and laid him on Ruilian’s bed – it being the only room fitted with electricity so far. And it was Lixin who had since been looking up and cooking up every kind of healing broth that he could think of. Ruilian might have been the one to bring the kid home, but it was too late for him to be asking the others not to get involved. Cop or not, he wasn’t just Ruilian’s problem anymore.

He expected the guilt, but not the accompanying rush of gratitude, and had to actually blink away the surge of emotions that threatened to suddenly overwhelm him. He cleared his throat, “Thanks, no, I already ate.” He ran a hand through his hair, suddenly aware of just how exhausted he felt. “How is he?” He wouldn’t dare be so candid in front of anyone else, not even the Lang siblings, but Julius didn’t even blink. “He was still asleep when Lin went up there. Though it’s been a few hours…”

Ruilian turned to the stairway, and Julius bowed, “If there’s nothing else…” “Yeah, I mean, no”, said Ruilian. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Get some sleep.” One curt nod, a concerned glance that they both pretended hadn’t been leveled, and Julius was gone. Leaving Ruilian with nothing to do but go up and see how his newly acquired mystery charge was faring.

Dante, the boy had said his name was. Ruilian wasn’t sure if that was a fake name. And, frankly, at that point, he had hardly cared. The boy had finally woken up that morning, after a day and a half of teetering on the edge of a more permanent kind of sleep, even as Ruilian alternated between pacing the room and perching on the edge of the chair that a concerned Lixin had dragged upstairs, mentally cursing the Golden Tigers throughout. This kind of mindless brutality was precisely the reason he had never considered joining them, despite the obvious advantages.

What he tried not to do was wonder how and why he had gotten so involved. Fine, he could justify not leaving the boy to his death. But why did the thought of him never waking up again leave him feeling this cold inexplicable dread? He didn’t even know the guy.

In his years with the Company, despite playing a role that had him barely on the frontline, Ruilian had seen enough men die. Some mere boys, just as young or maybe even younger than the one breathing so shallow before him. But there was something about the way the boy had obviously fought through the kind of odds Ruilian could barely stand to think about, only to leave himself at the latter’s mercy.

And he couldn’t stop thinking about that smile.

The only rest he’d had was when he nodded off in that uncomfortable chair a few hours before dawn and woke up to Lin standing over him with fresh bandages and insisting he leave the room for a bit so that she could work in peace. He knew she was only trying to trick him into getting some real sleep, but he was tired enough not to argue. He’d stumbled into the newly delivered couch that was still lying at the bottom of the stairway and actually managed to sleep for a few hours until the morning sun climbed high enough to shine its rays through a high window and directly on to his face.

At which point he’d stumbled back upstairs, ready to argue with Lin if she tried to send him away again. Except she’d taken one look at him, quietly nodded to herself and gathered all her equipment, telling him that she had done all that she could and that the worst seemed to be in the past but that she couldn’t promise anything. It was the gentleness in her voice that had scared him more than anything.

So when the boy finally opened his eyes, only to squint them against the late morning sunlight streaming through the window, Ruilian found himself rushing about to draw the curtains and help him to some water, more relieved than he wanted to admit even to himself. And when the boy identified himself in a low groggy voice as Dante, Ruilian accepted it without question.

He had been prepared for all sorts of awkward questions himself, ranging from his identity to why Ruilian had decided to bring him to what was obviously his home instead of taking him to a hospital or, god, a police station, but thankfully the boy had had nothing to say beyond a quiet thank you. Worrying that perhaps he was worse off than he appeared (- as if that were even possible, said the voice in his head harshly recounting Lin’s clipped account of three broken ribs, a gunshot wound, all the accompanying blood loss and a concussion)- Ruilian asked if there was someone he could contact for him, family perhaps? Dante had sat there looking blankly into space, for long enough that Ruilian grew even more concerned, before shaking his head softly and then wincing as if even that little movement hurt. “No, there’s no one.”

Not knowing how to react to that, nor to the complicated tangle of emotions he was feeling, Ruilian had excused himself from the room, only to return with Lin and all the food he could carry. Introducing her as the doctor that had patched him up, Ruilian watched him shrink from her even as he dutifully repeated his thanks. Lin seemed to pick up on his discomfort and assured him that she only wanted to make sure that he was out of danger so could she please just check his vitals. Dante seemed as surprised as Ruilian felt – she had most certainly never asked his permission before poking at him – but assented. By the time she was done, he even managed a polite smile, though it was a shadow of the one Ruilian remembered.

“Well?”, asked Ruilian, following her into the corridor.

“He needs to eat. And rest. I don’t even know how he’s awake, let alone sitting up.”

“But he’ll be alright?”

She looked at him, exasperated. Then her expression softened. “Yeah, long as he doesn’t move about too much and lets the worst of his injuries heal. He’s a tough kid, wherever you picked him up from.”

A pointed pause. Ruilian smiled his sweetest smile at her. She waited another second before snapping, “God, Zan, tell me he’s not a Golden Tiger.”

“He’s not a Golden Tiger.”

She stared at him for a little longer, obviously trying to tell if he was lying to her. “Whatever”, she finally growled. “Get him to eat A-Shin’s soup. And then sleep.”

“Yes, doctor”, said Ruilian, giving her a three finger promise. “Any other instructions?”

“Yes. Be careful.”

Ruilian almost laughed at that. The boy was practically covered in bandages. Like some sort of mummy. “Of what?”

She opened her mouth as if to say something, then closed it. “Never mind. Just… be careful.”

And, with that, she was gone. “How can I be careful when you won’t tell me what of??” he called after her. Of course, she neither paused nor looked back. Ruilian wondered if he should have told her her that she’d probably just helped save the life of a cop. Knowing her, though, it wouldn’t have made too much of a difference. Hell, she was so nice to him even when she thought he was part of the Tigers. Cops were better than tigers, even if only marginally.

He reopened the door to find Dante sitting up and staring at nothing. But his flushed face made his attempt at eavesdropping obvious. Adorable, thought Ruilian before he could help himself. And suddenly Lin’s parting warning seemed a lot more reasonable than it had moments ago. Making up his mind, he set the tray piled with bowls of soup and bread in front of Dante, and bade him eat up, retreating to the doorway and fully intending to leave after he was done chattering about how Lin was better than any doctor he had ever met and how certain she was that as long as he ate well and rested, he would be fine in no time.

Dante had sat with his long fingers wrapped around the wooden spoon that Ruilian had thrust at him along with the tray, listening without a word, until Ruilian finally stopped rambling long enough to ask what he was waiting for.

Dante’s face flushed. “I don’t like eating alone”, he’d all but mumbled. And despite the rational part of his brain telling him to walk away and to do it quickly, Ruilian found himself pulling up a bowl for himself and settling down on the chair by the bed. He spent the next half hour talking about the most absurd inanities, ranging from the weather to the antics of the short legged cat that had declared itself master of his overgrown garden. And was rewarded by the occasional smile from Dante that never failed to remind him of the one he had given him when they had first run into each other – literally. He was dying to know what that had been about, but knew no way to even broach the topic without all the dangerous context.

Regardless, it was worth it. By the time Ruilian had finally talked his way through one small bowl of pork rib and lotus stem soup, Dante had had at least three and was struggling to keep his eyes open. Gently tugging the dishes away, Ruilian had insisted he get some more rest and promised to wake him up for dinner.

Looking a lot less troubled and more human than when he had first woken up, Dante had given him another wan smile, the memory of which Ruilian safely tucked away with all the others, and fallen asleep almost before his head had even hit the pillow.

That, thought Ruilian, guiltily for some reason, was nearly ten hours ago.

Burning Heaven

The sky is on fire.

They say it’s only my imagination.

Probably just the guilt tinting my vision.

But they’ve always been fools

And also liars.


I won’t be deceived again.

Not when I can smell the smoke.

And not when, on it, I choke.

Like the night so long ago when I watched whole cities drown

Burning in a crimson rain.


They tell me it’s not my fault.

That i am not who they blame.

Yet they clearly want my shame.

But I will not give them the satisfaction of my guilt.

And they will not see me crawl.


Still, I’m no liar.

So, please know, I would gladly get on my knees

If I thought that it would bring any relief

But I know better now.

That the sky’s on fire.


The first time they met, the setting sun shone brightly for a moment, blinding after days of dark storm clouds.

Much later, in that twilight place, no golden sun marked their next meeting, only the crimson of spilled blood.

Now, after all these years, that past reaches out; a river of red amidst a sea of black.

There have been as many storms in the skies above, as have been at their feet below.

And more blood spilled than either of them could have ever even imagined, let alone wanted.

Not that it matters much, now, caught in ocean currents, borne ceaselessly into the future.

Once, they believed in the inevitability of them, of finding their way back, always.

For however dark the road, brighter were the lights that lit their way.

But, most water, like all time, can only flow in one direction.

And there is no going back, not for them, not anymore.

Which is probably for the best, all said and done.

For even if it wasn’t wholly dark and bloody.

Even if the sun shone, bright and golden.

Even if they were truly happy, once

It was only ever, always, momentarily

For nothing gold can last

Especially not the past

So, sail forward.

Bloodied, golden.





Of Darkness and the Fires of Hell

The rainy afternoon is cold and dark

And I do thank the sun for this respite

Because as vital as it may well be

Sometimes exhausting is this blasted light

And I must admit, I have always been

A creature of the night and of the dark

Though you adorned me in shiny metals

One can never light up a broken heart

A heart that beats only for the darkness

When all the world lies dreaming in their sleep

For tis only at night that what you know

Is not as vital as what you believe

There are other reasons, there always are

But they are really not worth it to dwell

Suffice it to say, it was I that lit the fire

Damned my own darkness, and self, to the light of hell.


Hands reaching out like vines in a forest.
Always waiting to grab your soul.
Show me a way out, estranged lover,
Show me a way out, before you go..

I remember being washed clean
Before all of this trading of pain
Since then, admittedly, I have fallen
to new depths again and again

From grace,
time and space
While all I recall
is that look upon your face.

My words fall too, yes,
Like broken fragments of glass
Nothing good ever comes from a  journey
Ceaselessly, into the past

Yet, here I stand bewildered
How does it matter which way I choose?
Still, your order of banishment stands dictated
And who am I to refuse?

What I Want

I want to write about other things, happier things, things that don’t get stronger the weaker I get.

I want to laugh freely, feel the wind in my hair, truly live under the infinite night sky.

I want to dream of beautiful things, and wake up to happiness.

I want to stop waiting for brimstone and hellfire.

I want to be waited for, appreciated, wanted.

I want to believe in things and people.

I want to forget the bad memories.

I want to be more than this.

I want to be ecstatic.


I always

do what I want.


It isn’t always the memories
that undo you late at night
Sometimes it’s only a feeling,
an absence of some near-divine light
Sometimes it is a number plate,
when the numbers add up to a name
Or a person stands up to be who you were,
and you avert your eyes in shame

It’s knowing that you’re growing
and that things must be left behind
That you are only a stranger
lost somewhere in the threads of time
And it’s paying the cost of life
in memories not yet made
It’s holding on to the hope
that some things can still be saved

For in the depths of something unstoppable
always tugging at my soul
You were the first hand to grab mine
and burn through all the cold
And I know you haven’t cared
for quite a long long time
But I’ll never forget that moment
when I first learned that I was still alive

And if I could have just one thing,
I don’t know if it would be you
But I remember the shade of your eyes
better than you ever could
It’s because I’ve seen the light in them
And it’s a light I can’t unsee
So, if it comes to a choice between us,
even my darkness could never choose me.



If I knew
how to contain this
the feeling of falling endlessly
I would not need you
to be an echo

An echo of
both the heights
and the depths
that I have only
dreamed of

Of heights and depths
that I have only
ever seen
in hues
of you.

My World
does not revolve
around you
but, sometimes
how I wish that
it would.

Because you’re all
I want to see
and touch
and know
and feel..

And because
everything else
is drenched in evil
and sin..
but you,
You will always be the good.

Even if
you do choose
to exist as a blade
without a handle
buried in my throat.

Yes, even then.