Shadows and Stars (230501)

The shadows are back.

Not mine, no. At least I don’t think so…

I mean the ones lurking in and around the corners.

Fuck. It’s been so long I had half convinced myself they were never there to begin with.

I haven’t been sleeping for a while now. It’s been a few months. I’ve tried everything from cutting caffeine to running myself to the point of exhaustion every other day.

It’s not that I don’t sleep at all. I just… can’t stay asleep. Not for more than like three hours at a time.

So, logically, I know the shadows could just be my tired mind glitching on me.

But… I have always had trouble with sleep. And I haven’t seen them since college, a near decade now…

Though, it’s not exactly the same. For one, I’m. not that frightened of them. For another, I am sober this time around. For the most part, anyway.

And it’s not even just when I’m home or alone. I see them everywhere. When I’m out running, on the streets, in parking lots, in my bedroom. In my bed.

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