The Kindly Ones // Crying Lightning


The Origin

The Origin

“All around me darkness gathers,

Fading is the sun that shone;

We must speak of other matters:

You can be me when I’m gone”



“Flowers gathered in the evening,

Afternoon they blossom on;

Still are withered by the evening:

You can be me when I’m gone”

– Two-part poem in The Sandman, The Kindly Ones

~ Mono no Aware ~

Something about this picture is just *too* precious.

World Class

World Class

It’s like all these years, the determined Prince marched on into war after war, watching his once proud army bleed and fall; saving them from utter defeat so often, but always moving further and further away from the dream and realm of victory..

Until the Empire sent forth its finest general, a horrific injury keeping him off the battlefield, but his mind as sharp as ever. The Empire thought it was just getting rid of a non-soldier in armor; transferring him to a war-front that was almost certainly lost.

But… from the moment the Prince and the General first met, they recognized something in one another that they both desperately needed; a relentless hunger for victory.

The General, he devised strategies for harder battles, filled up gaps in the army that prevented them from defeating smaller/weaker opponents, came up with tactics for every situation, and pushed every single soldier towards the best that he could be.

The Prince, for the first time in too long, flanked on all sides by an army finally worthy of him, led forth his young charges into battle after battle. And, inspired by his steely eyed determination, battle after battle, they emerged victorious.

Together, the Prince and the General, they reined in the younger boys, transforming their anger and frustration into an indomitable spirit of conquest. And, soon, the news spread like wildfire.

The Reds were on the March.

And they were Invincible.

And so, these two, surrounded at last by the fine young soldiers that they themselves had created, marched on towards their common goal. For the first time in too long, both for the General as for the Prince, Victory awaited.

[So, this hug. After a difficult battle.
“Thank you.. for winning that.”, said the General to his Prince.
The Prince shook his fair head and smiled nobly in return, “No.. Thank you.”
And not so far away, a lonely Victory shivered beautifully in her tower of glass, even as the men who had abducted her all these years ago stood ready for the final onslaught.
“My Steven and Brendan will come”, she whispered. And even though the men holding her captive laughed and mocked her, you could hear the fear in their voices.

Because they too had heard of the men in that army. The unstoppable Suraez. The faster than lightening Sterling. The always on target Sturridge. The mage-like Coutinho. The frightening Skrtel. And a whole bunch of other soldiers who only got stronger and better and faster with every day.

An army of red, led by two determined men.

Victory was rightfully theirs.]

Back on Campus: For All the Reasons in the World

I wanted to write a post on the Pros and Cons of Hostel life. Seems kinda silly now, considering I just left my hostel room for good yesterday! But, wrote this sometime in the first week of June, a couple of weeks after I moved back into my hostel from the apartment I’d been staying at for nearly a year, only to promptly lose all internet connectivity. -_- So, here goes nothing. To begin with, here’s a picture of my room:

The Wall

Actually, that’s more a picture of the far wall (from the beds) than it is a picture of my room. :\  I shall edit a few more pictures and put them up soon. 🙂 Well, not soon, coz I have a million thousand other far-more-important things to do right now. Anyhow! Moving on!


  1. No more gaming on Steam.
  2. The internet connection is damn treacherous
  3. Footsteps outside my door, and sudden knocking, do still startle me
  4. Nagarbhavi is too far. Mainly only a problem when it comes to cigarettes.


  1. The Ants are way below, on the ground where they belong!
  2. I can go to bed wearing whatever I want, and whatever I don’t want, without worrying that one of the boys will be decide to try and wake me up
  3. If someone is bothering me, all I need to do is cross the barbed wire, and can’t touch me! :p
  4. I can chill with Skyrim again
  5. Munchies and basic food available until Midnight! ‘nough said!
  6. I can wander the ground under open skies until 3 am, and on terraces whenever I want.
  7. Two almost personal terraces and so many others to share with friends
  8. The Coolest room on campus (a real boon during summer)
  9. All my posters! ❤

In short, I’m glad I moved back…

~ For all the reasons in the World ~

Introducing Puppy and Fox


Pictures of Puppy and Fox, two of my favorite dogs currently on campus.

Puppy_and_Fox(Nov 2011)

Look at them sunbathing! So Lazy! Puppy is the one on the upper step. She’s mostly like a spoilt princess on cocaine. Unlike the first time I saw her, drenched in the rain, and small and sickly and covered in fleas.

PuppywhenFound(July 2010)

For two weeks I had her drinking milk out of plastic cups, wearing a cut up green t-shirt as a jacket, huddled up against the small bakery at gate 2. And once she regained her strength, well, she’s never looked back.


Fox is kinda crazy too, but softer and kind of in love with Puppy. Well, they keep having this on off thing.

Puppy&Fox_sunbathing(Nov 2011)

Aren’t they adorable? ❤

I truly hope they aren’t two of the 10 dogs that tore apart a baby monkey and its mother behind the boy’s hostel this morning. 😦

The Word is truly going to hell. But is it really so surprising when we reward the greedy, and can protect none of the innocent?

I miss the puppies…

The Importance of Being Alice


Dear God,” she prayed, “let me be something every minute of every hour of my life. Let me be gay; let me be sad. Let me be cold; let me be warm. Let me be hungry…have too much to eat. Let me be ragged or well dressed. Let me be sincere – be deceitful. Let me be truthful; let me be a liar. Let me be honorable and let me sin. Only let me be something every blessed minute. And when I sleep, let me dream all the time so that not one little piece of living is ever lost.

— Betty Smith (A Tree Grows in Brooklyn)