History Must Not Repeat Itself

Not again.

Never again.

Because it took far too long to get just this far.
Because I tire of spreading myself paper thin over everything in vain hopes of a random reunion.
Because it hasn’t been fair.

I’m better than this.

So much better.

And I have listened.

I have Rebelled.

Given up.

But none of it mattered

and none of that ever shall

You know where I am just as well as I know where you are.

If this is too far for you,

If this is too difficult,

too bothersome,

then I am not far enough,

it isn’t as hard as I’d thought it’d be,

and this is not worth any more of my time.

Nor yours, perhaps.

But I’m the one we left behind,

holding on to shards of everything,

until you asked me to let them go.

They’re gone now.

As are you.

As am I.

And as the once familiar ocean
brings in its treasures to the shore
I find myself still entranced
but I don’t touch them anymore
Instead if you wait long enough,
the seas reclaim most of what they bring
But the shards of fractured sea-shells,
left behind, they never cease to sing